Fingerprint Authentication in Digital Watermarking Using YCbCr Colour Space & 2D Walsh Code

Автор: B P Mishra, P Das, H N Pratihari

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 11 vol.7, 2015 года.

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During the recent development in image manipulating software and vast use of Internet, it is now becomes very difficult to protect the images that are precious and need to be secured so that they will survive against several image modification attacks. This paper represents a new technique to produce robust and efficient Twin blind digital Watermarking with the use of 2-D Walsh code and Discrete Cosine transform. Authentication matching process is introduced during the extraction process to provide extra security to the Host image. Both the Watermarks are embedded into host image through Walsh Code conversion. In this technique, the Embedding and extraction of Watermark is simpler than the other transform previously used. The proposed algorithm uses the YCbCr colour elements of the colour images in DCT province with low frequency components. During the first step the Principal Watermark i.e Hand written signature is embedded through 2-D Walsh coding and then the resultant watermark i.e Biometric fingerprint is embedded to the first Watermarked image through 2-D Walsh coding. The De-watermarking is dawn by checking the Authentication through Biometric fingerprint matching method. The technique is accessed by analyzing various performance parameters like SSIM, PSNR and NC. Further, the evaluation is made through various attacks by using StirMark tool. It was observed from the result that, by utilizing 2-D Walsh coding technique, better robustness is maintained and the proposed technique survived against various attacks such as JPEG compression, median, noise etc.


Discrete Cosine Transform, Digital Watermarking, 2-D Walsh code, YCbCr colour space, Authentication matching etc

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IDR: 15013924

Список литературы Fingerprint Authentication in Digital Watermarking Using YCbCr Colour Space & 2D Walsh Code

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