Phytoncides in the composition of common bird cherry
Автор: Naguman P.N., Yusupova A., Zhidkova A., Bekeneva E., Nikolaeva Z.
Журнал: Форум молодых ученых @forum-nauka
Статья в выпуске: 9 (61), 2021 года.
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Everyone knows that forest air is very good for health, and one of the most important reasons for this is the presence of phytoncides in it, which kill or suppress pathogens and have a healing effect. Also, phytoncides are one of the factors of the natural immunity of plants (plants sterilize themselves with the products of their vital activity). Their large number is allocated by plants. One of them is the common bird cherry. Cherry-a representative of the genus of plums of the Rosaceae family. The view includes low trees and shrubs. Cheremukha-forest orderly. Its flowers and leaves are rich in phytoncides, thanks to which they exude an alluring aroma. However, when they break down, they release prussic acid, which is dangerous for all living things. This gave them the opportunity to attract and destroy pests. Phytoncides are volatile biologically active substances formed by plants that kill or inhibit the growth and development of bacteria, microscopic fungi, and protozoa. In addition to all of the above, bird cherry has exceptional properties. The strong, somewhat intoxicating scent of flowers and leaves cleanses the air of germs. Bird cherry produces the most powerful phytoncides containing prussic acid. Protozoa die under the influence of bird cherry phytoncides in 5 minutes. On the basis of numerous studies, the time of death of protozoa after non-contact exposure to phytoncidal plants has been established. Especially a lot of phytoncides are released by young leaves in spring and summer, in autumn, phytoncides are released much less.
Bird cherry, phytoncides, plant, bacteria, protozoa, useful properties
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