The physical status of women of Caucasians (56-74 years) of Yakutia on Tanner

Автор: Alekseeva V.A., Guryeva A.B., Petrova P.G.

Журнал: Морфологические ведомости @morpholetter

Рубрика: Краткие сообщения

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.24, 2016 года.

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In this work anthropometric examination of 260 women of the сaucasians of advanced age who were born and constantly living in the Yakutia is conducted. Anthropometric researches were conducted by V. V. Bunak (1941) technique, index of sexual dimorphism of Tanner (1968) was carried. Calculation of components of a body (fat, muscle and bone) was carried out on formulas J. Mateika (1921). The body mass index (BMI) was used. It is established that most of women of caucasians (56-74 years) had mezomorf type (70,4%). The ginekomorf type was registered at 21,5%, andromorf - 8,1% of women. Anthropometric indicators of the physical status of women had dependence on type of sexual dimorphism. It is taped that length of a body of persons of different types didn’t differ. It is established larger weight and BMI at persons of andromorf type. Indicators of thickness of fatty fold were more at women of andromorf type. They determined larger grasp sizes of a brachium, forearm, wrist, thorax, breeches, femurs, an anticnemion and distal diameters of a brachium, forearm and femur...


Body type, woman, tanner, yakutia

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IDR: 143177132

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