Fluctuating asymmetry dental system in ancient Armenian population

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Purpose: Asymmetry is a fundamental aspect of the biology of all organisms, and has a deep evolutionary history. Fluctuating asymmetry represents random, minor deviations from perfect symmetry in paired traits. Asymmetry is the result of environmental or genetic disruptions of developmental processes. Fluctuating asymmetry in bilateral morphological characters often indicates an organism’s inability to effectively cope with stressors in the environment. Heat, cold, and audiogenic stress, pre-and/or postnatally, each produce increased levels of dental asymmetry. Results: The primary goal of my article was to identify trends of elevated stress in populations from different time periods. This was accomplished by examining dental asymmetry. Thus, an evaluation of this phenomenon can measure the degree of environmental stress experienced by a population from Armenia. A total of 360 skeletons from 17 cemeteries were analysed. We consider the results of the analysis of some direct and indirect effects of the environment on the population from the territory of Armenia. The analysis aimed primarily at assessing the frequency of dental non-metric traits in these populations. In addition, it might be worthwhile to evaluate other indicators of environmental stress, such as enamel hypoplasias within the samples to reveal a broader picture of how these populations manifest stress. Conclusion: Fluctuating asymmetry of dental system were more common in Iron Age. While this may be the result of statistical error (i. e., due to small sample size). Fluctuating asymmetry of dental system was less severe in Bronze Age, although enamel hypoplasia were more prevalent. In contrast, enamel hypoplasia were more common in Classical periods from the territory of the Armenia. In conclusion, the results of research indicate that dental asymmetry, and by extension environmental stress, in fact, varies through time. Hence, dental asymmetry can reveal patterns of stress related to the living conditions associated with a particular time period, as well as trends through time. Similarly, dental asymmetry studies can allow one to step away from the realm of temporal generalizations and display asymmetry patterns unique to the life history of a particular population. Data focusing on climate influence, migratory, and cultural habits in the past are discussed. Yet with further research, these results may serve as a valuable glimpse into the living conditions of people during this time period.


Armenia, ancient population, fluctuating asymmetry of dental system, enamel hypoplasia

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219038

IDR: 147219038

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