Folklore singing (family song) as a technology for correcting the behavior of a preschool child with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

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Statement of the problem. Today, the most urgent is the problem of maternal role in the correctional process when providing your child with assistance, which has problems in development, teaching her (mother) to carry out the psychotherapeutic and correctional process together with a psychologist. A child, listening to his mother from birth and in utero, including, creates prerequisites for the mood of awareness and perception of maternal speech, its sound characteristics. The purpose of the article is to study the influence of the family song as part of the ethnocultural heritage in the corrective process of a preschool child with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. The research methodology is composed of the main provisions of the systematic approach proposed by B.F. Lomov, the provisions of L.S. Vygotsky on the social mediation of human psychic activity and the role of the word in this development. Research results. The characteristics of the mother’s voice that the child heard in utero, speech, musical and noise phonogram create the basis for the child’s perception of maternal singing and affect the correction of ADHD syndrome. Personal changes in both the mother and the child occur against the background of singing a family song of the whole kinship, through communications addressed to the subject of song communication, i.e. the child.


Preschool children, children with disabilities, musical and voice technologies, maternal therapy, family song

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IDR: 144162920

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