Forage productivity of spring triticale in pure and mixed sowings as green feed in the conditions of Belgorod region

Автор: Demidova A.G., Kuleshova I.V., Gubina T.G.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Статья в выпуске: 1 (52), 2015 года.

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Researches were conducted on studying forage productivity and nutritional value of spring triticale under its growing in single-species and mixed sowings for green forage in comparison with traditional pea-oats mixture in the conditions of the first Western forest-steppe agroclimatic zone of Belgorod region. The high effectiveness of growing spring triticale in single-species and mixed sowings is proved by the results of yield record of green mass, its high protein content. Two-, three- and four-component mixtures with spring triticale don’t concede in yield to control mixture, and the highest yield was obtained in mixture pea+oats+spring triticale. Barley and oats have the highest competitive capacity and aggressiveness in agrocenosis, while pea leaf has the least one. The content of raw protein in dry substance is high in mixture pea+spring triticale (30:70) and corresponds to the regulatory requirements to the quality of green forages. The output of digestible protein from 1 hectare of sowing, the output of forage units, forage-protein units, metabolizable energy, provision of 1 forage unit with digestible protein were calculated for evaluation of forage productivity. The green mass of spring triticale in single-species sowing and mixture pea+barley+spring triticale differ in the highest energy nutritiousness, and have high content of metabolizable energy and energy forage units in 1 kg of green mass. The highest output of digestible protein from 1 hectare of sowing was provided by: mixture pea+oats+spring triticale, pea+spring triticale (50:50), and spring triticale in pure form. The highest provision of one forage unit with digestible protein was obtained in mixture pea+spring triticale (50:50), pea+spring triticale (30:70), pea+oats+spring triticale. On the output of oats forage units from 1 hectare of sowings one can define single-species sowings of spring triticale, pea and mixture pea+oats+spring triticale. These variants provide the highest output of feed-protein units and metabolizable energy from 1 hectare of sowings. The increasing of level profitability with comparison with the control variants is observed under growing mixture pea+oats+spring triticale and spring triticale in pure form.


Spring triticale, pea, oats, barley, mixed sowing, feed mixture, single-species sowing, green mass, green forage, forage productivity, feeding value, green mass yield

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147124224

Список литературы Forage productivity of spring triticale in pure and mixed sowings as green feed in the conditions of Belgorod region

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