Forecasting the effectiveness of methods for managing the income potential of regional budgets

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In the conditions of multidirectional influence of positive and negative investment factors the impossibility of creating fundamentally new methods for managing the incomes of regional budgets determines the current objectives of correction of the income potential of the regions. The key objectives are to equalize the innovative provision of budgets and optimize the economic risks of their innovative development. The purpose of the research is to build a theoretical model for achieving maximum innovative efficiency of the methods for managing the incomes of regional budgets selected according to the established criterion. On the example of Vladimir and Ivanovo regions with the use of this model the forecast trends in the development of the income potential of regional budgets arising as a result of the application of the selected methods are revealed. The practical significance of the theoretical model as the main result of this study consists in the expediency of its application in the development of a unified strategy for equalizing the income potential of regional budgets.


Regional budget, income potential, methods for managing the incomes of budgets, economic risks, innovative effectiveness

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IDR: 170182002   |   DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2020-10066

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