Formation and mental education of students

Автор: Sotiboldiyeva D.B., Torayev B.B., Mamasoliyeva D.O., Turdiyeva M.A., Umuhanov N.B.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 9 (76), 2020 года.

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This article discusses the mental education of students and their worldview, beliefs, moral views, economic, environmental and spiritual moral education.

Belief, ethics, worldview, economic, ecological and spiritual moral education, scientific outlook

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140253049

Список литературы Formation and mental education of students

  • Prof. Under the general editorship of M.Kh. Tokhtakhodjayeva. Pedagogy. - Tashkent: National Society of Philosophers of Uzbekistan Publishing House, 2010. - 400 p.
  • I.A. Karimov. The dream of a harmoniously developed generation. " National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan "State Scientific Publishing House. Tashkent. 2000. 247b.
  • Yusuf Khos Hojib (Modern Uzbek narrator and foreword author Boqijon TOXLIYEV ffd prof. Qutadg'u bilig "(" Knowledge that leads to happiness ". Cholpon Publishing House. Tashkent.
  • R.A.Mavlonova, N.H.Rahmonkulova, K.O.Matnazarova, M.K.Shirinov, S.Hafizov.General pedagogy. Tashkent. Science and Technology, 2018, 528 p.
  • Edited by O.J. Yuldashev. General pedagogy. Tashkent: "Science and Technology", 2017, 376 pages.
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