Formation of an approach to modeling orbital operations assembly of a reconfigurable spacecraft on geostationary orbit
Автор: Y.L. Koroleva, A.I. Khokhlov, D.A. Nikolaev, N.V. Borisova, M.G. Matylenko
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.24, 2023 года.
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The aim of the study is to form an approach to modeling the operations of the orbital assembly of a reconfigurable spacecraft (RS) in geostationary orbit. Reconfigurable spacecraft are a set of modular spacecraft (MS), where, in a particular case, one MS can be assigned the functions of the service systems module (MSS), and the second - the functions of the payload module (MPN). To ensure the assembly of the RC, or the replacement of some MC, for example, in case of its failure with a new one, it is necessary to provide a solution to the problem of bringing the MS with the RS. The article analyzes and studies the operation of the motion control system of the MS during the convergence of the MS with the RS. A list of necessary mathematical models for performing operations in solving the problem of convergence of the MS with the RS is formed, and a block diagram of the interaction of mathematical models is presented. The paper presents a brief description of the mathematical apparatus that allows modeling the operations of convergence of the MS with the RS. This mathematical apparatus includes: a model of the orbital motion of the MS and the RS, models of the angular motion of the MS and the RS, sensitive elements and executive bodies. In this paper, the mathematical modeling of the MS with the RS convergence operations is considered as the subject of research. The object of the study is the motion control system of the MS, which ensures the implementation of the approach of the RS in geostationary orbit.
Orbital assembly, reconfigurable spacecraft, modular spacecraft, motion control system
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329697 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2023-24-3-527-536
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