Formation and evaluation of storage ability of meat raw materials with conserving food additives

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The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of complex preservative additives in the formation of storage capacity of raw meat. The following preservative additives were chosen as objects of research: "Frish Tau" - a complex food additive (preservative - sodium pyrosulfite (48%), acidity regulators - sodium acetate, citric acid, rapeseed oil); "shield 600 NS" - sodium diacetate with neutralized taste. NS version - no sweets; "Aqualact (syrup)" - a multicomponent syrup consisting of a complex of organic acids and plant extracts. The object of the study is pork (tenderloin) in chilled form. Before testing, prototypes of meat raw materials with appropriate preservative food additives were formed. To determine the degree of influence of preservatives on the storage capacity of pork tenderloin, the samples were subjected to research on a number of qualitative and quantitative indicators. On the 3rd and 5th day of storage organoleptic parameters (surface condition, color, smell, consistency, transparency and aroma of broth) and microbiological parameters (QMAFAnM - Quantity of Mesophilic Aerobic and Facultative Anaerobic Microorganisms, colony forming units /g, coliform bacteria in 0.1 g) were studied. According to the results of the research, it was determined that the sample No. 2 treated with the complex preservative "Frish Tau" had the most favorable values and preserved freshness to the best extent.


Pork, tenderloin, reservatives, organoleptic indicators, microbiological indicators

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IDR: 142228769

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