Creating of wheel machine's ideal tractive characteristic and internal combustion engine's economic characteristic by regulation of electromechanical transmission

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The results of research of wheel machine electromechanical transmission's properties for regulation of joint work of internal combustion engine, controlled by driver, and accidental size of external resistances are described. The algorithm control is worked out; it provides, on the one hand, the approximate of tractive characteristic to ideal with tenfold diapason of external resistances and drive speed and, on the other hand, the internal combustion engine's work in order to economic characteristic. The research of regulation different means of electromechanical transmission, consisting of one generator and twelve tractive electric engines, installed on wheels, namely: regulation of generator, synchronous and individual regulation of tractive electric engines is carried out. Authors give preferences to synchronous regulation of tractive electric engines. The structural schemes of corresponding regulation systems are described.


Wheel machine, electromechanical transmission, control

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IDR: 147154896

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