Formation of investment strategy of human capital management departments of the university on basis of fuzzy dynamic model

Автор: Mazelis Lev Solomonovich, Lavrenyuk Kirill Igorecivh

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Управление человеческими ресурсами вуза

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2015 года.

Бесплатный доступ

A research article devoted to the development of the method of formation of the investment strategy of the Department in the field of human capital management based on fuzzy dynamic model. In the face of fierce competition and limited resources, the organization's leadership in the implementation of the strategic development program faces the challenge of creating the optimal portfolio of investment projects within existing project risks. One of the priorities is human capital investment organization as the increase of its level is an important prerequisite for sustainable development and achievement of strategic goals of the university. At the heart of the work are developed fuzzy dynamic model optimization of investment in human capital of the department, the target function is the integral index, showing the degree of achievement of the set strategic objectives of the department, and the method of determining the value of the integral index over a certain period of planning in fuzzy multiple logic provides estimates of uncertainty in calculating the predicted value of the integral index. The variables for the optimization are the share of the distribution of investment resources among employees, areas of investment and years. For a set of strategic objectives of the department we considered indicators, target indicators, the importance of indicators and methods of regression analysis functionality built according to the values of parameters depending on the level of human capital based on certain assumptions and assessments of experts. Results of model calculations allow for generating the investment strategy of the department of human resources management based on currently available human capital, given verbal assessments of the experts and assessing the risk of failure to reach the target values. At the level of the department we considered an example of determining the optimal structure of investment to achieve in the planning horizon of 5 years, the maximum value of the integral index, corresponding to the seven strategic objectives for research and educational activities.


Human capital university, economic and mathematical model, optimize investment structure, strategic management of university, fuzzy-set approach

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142140229

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