Formation of methodological tools for assessing the economic resilience of metalworking enterprises

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The development potential of the metalworking industry of the Russian Federation is currently very high, but it requires the provision of certain conditions for its implementation. A significant condition for the sustainable development of metalworking industry enterprises is to ensure a high level of economic resilience. In addition, the principle of economic resilience must be introduced at the strategic level of management. The first stage in building a strategic management system that includes this principle is assessing the level of economic resilience. At the moment, no effective methodological tools have been developed for assessing the economic resilience of metalworking enterprises, which makes the research topic very relevant. The purpose of the study is to develop methodology tools for assessing the economic resilience of metalworking enterprises. The objectives of the study are: identifying the essence of the concept of “economic resilience”; assessing the macroenvironment of the metalworking industry using PEST analysis; conducting a SWOT analysis of the metalworking industry to identify the most significant areas for assessing the economic resilience; conducting a SPASE analysis to determine the areas within which it is necessary to highlight indicators for assessing the economic resilience in one of the information security projections - cybersecurity. Research methods: comparative analysis, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, SPASE analysis, expert assessments. The result of the study is the development of methodology tools for assessing the economic resilience of metalworking enterprises. The authors conclude that the level of economic resilience of a particular enterprise depends on many factors; however, the most significant of them are the stage of the life cycle at which the enterprise is located and the management model followed by the management of the enterprise.


Economic resilience, assessing the economic resilience, strategic analysis, metalworking industry enterprises, strategic management system, import substitution policy

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IDR: 149146872   |   DOI: 10.15688/ek.jvolsu.2024.3.12

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