Development of payroll schedule: practical experience

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The article belongs to a case category. The main aim of the article is to present an algorithm of forming staff list for research and academic staff at a higher educational institution i9 the context of per - capita financing. Algorithm takes into consideration characteristics of students of each teaching program, tuition fee and workload of disciplines taught by Departments as part of curriculum. Algorithm allows for forming staff list based either on average salary of lecturers or on maximum number of positions. University executives choose one of the options depending on strategic development direction. Suggested algorithm is demonstrated on the calculations for a certain model university. Each sage is complemented with comments. As a result we get logical transparent staff list for the whole university and distribution of staff positions between the chairs. The approach is universal and applicable at any higher educational university. The article is of interest and practical importance for vice - rectors on teaching activities, heads of departments and personnel division, directors of institutes, faculty deans.


Teaching staff

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IDR: 142227081   |   DOI: 10.15826/umpa.2018.01.007

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