Labor potential formation of the region: conditions and factors

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Labor potential is a key factor in the socio-economic development of territories in conditions of lack of stability, the crisis of economic globalization processes and deepening contradictions. The emergence of new sectors of the economy on a digital technological basis, the creation of modern jobs and professions determine the modern concept of regional employment and reducing the shortage of qualified personnel. The positive dynamics of unemployment growth objectively increases the need for a scientifically based approach in managing the labor potential of the region. We associate the importance of managing the region’s labor potential with the state’s responsibility for the standard of living of the population. In this regard, the Krasnoyarsk Region can be considered as an example of a region in which several investment projects are being implemented that can, in the medium term, give a new impetus to the development of productive forces. Such prospects require systemic activity in designing both the structure of labor mobility and accelerating the innovation process based on the formation of the institution of a national qualifications system. Programs for the socio-economic development of municipal territories of the Krasnoyarsk Region for the most part provide for the development of labor potential based on the need for the development of personnel of organizations, which determines the importance of this study. In the current situation, it is important to unify the requirements for personnel qualifications, developing mechanisms for assessing, selecting, and matching employees through a confirmed system of qualifications, thereby reducing the risks of business systems in the region. Forming the competence of the working population of the region, increasing the labor potential of the region through monitoring the structure of labor mobility in the context of types of activities makes it possible to manage the level of regional unemployment and more effectively use the total working time of the economically active population.


Labor potential of the region, national qualifications system, production systems, competence, personnel assessment, personnel selection, personnel matching

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304311   |   DOI: 10.36718/2500-1825-2024-1-115-126

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