Functionality of the organism at city and rural schoolchildren with diseases of respiratory organs during the course of improvements in local sanatorium

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Research objective – to estimate functionality of city and rural schoolboys with diseases of respiratory organs and their dynamics during improving process in the conditions of local sanatorium. Results of functional testing have revealed decrease in reserve possibilities of an organism at considerable number both city and rural schoolboys. Stay of children in sanatorium made positive impact on studied indicators of their health. Rates of gain the functional indicators didn't depend on the nosological form of diseases and place of childrenʼs residence. The unsatisfactory gain of respiratory tests specifies the necessity of using the methods of respiratory rehabilitation at a stage of sanatorium treatment (respiratory gymnastics, thresholds, choral singing, tourism and so forth).


City and rural schoolboys, diseases of respiratory organs, functionality of an organism, efficiency of rehabilitation, children''s sanatorium

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148100688

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