Future as a result of evolution and planning

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When one comprehends 'Future as a Result of Evolution and Planning', one can recognise that one can have an influence on the future without falling for a determinate of planning. Society can not plan its own future; it is dependent on evolution. In other words, it is not planning reason that decides the future, but evolution. An equitable evolutionary theory does not lead to reticence in all practical questions, but rather, one can be more considerate in what actions to take. Evolution occurs principally openly, so that one cannot determine it through planning, but only influence it, although the intended results do not always arise.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14315121

IDR: 14315121

Список литературы Future as a result of evolution and planning

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  • Ottow R. Modelle der unsichtbaren Hand vor Adam Smith (English: Models of the invisible hand before Adam Smith). Leviathan. 1991; 19.
  • Luhmann N. Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft (English: The Society of Society), Frankfurt am Main 1997, p. 420.
  • Luhmann N. Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, 1997; 1007.
  • Runkel G. and Burkart G. (Ed.), Funktionssysteme der Gesellschaft. Beiträge zur Systemtheorie von Niklas Luhmann (English: Functional Systems of Society: Articles on the System Theory from Niklas Luhmann), Wiesbaden 2000.
  • Kofler W., Schnaiter D., Weinberger R. Non$ local Realism and Evolution up to Human Health, in: International Academy of Science, H&E (Ed.), Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization, Baku. Innsbruck 2007.
  • Allgemeine Soziologie. Gesellschaftstheorie, Sozialstruktur und Semantik (English: General Sociology. Societal Theory, Social Structure and Semantics), 2nd Edition, Munich. Vienna 2005.
  • Smith J. The Theory of Evolution, 7th Ed., Cambridge 2000; 80.
  • Schmidt F. Grundlagen der Theorie der kybernetischen Evolution (English: The Foundation of the Theory of Cybernetic Evolution), in: Ferdinand Schmidt (Ed.), Neodarwinistische oder kybernetische Evolution?, 4th Ed., Heidelberg 1990.
  • Anokhin P. K. Biology and neurophysiology of the conditioned reflex and its role in adaptive behavior. New York 1974.
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