General V. N. Kasatkin: unknown pages of his life in Harbin

Автор: Krotova Mariya

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: События и судьбы

Статья в выпуске: 33, 2012 года.

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The article based on unknown archival documents and also on V.N. Kasatkin’s unpublished memoirs looks at unknown episodes of his biography. The main focus is on the period of his emigrant life in Manchuria, in Harbin, that was hushed up in his memoirs, particularly, his unsuccessful attempt to get the Soviet citizenship and his service at the Japanese War Mission in Manchukuo. It concludes that the former general of Russian and Kolchak’s armies, like many other emigrants in Manchuria, was ready to adopt Soviet citizenship for the sake of survival. Moreover, Kasatkin began to do military service for the militaristic Japan.

V.n. kasatkin, white movement, siberia, a.v. kolchak's government, russian emigration, manchuria, harbin, ussr consulate, manchukuo, japan

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