Genetic determination of field germination ability in seeds of interspecific hybrids of Triticum aestivum x T. durum Desf

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Obtained from crossing Triticum aestivum x T. durum, and also in pentaploids F 1 and ВС 1. The sufficiently complicated system of genetic control of analyzed determinant was revealed, the origin of which can be relates with features of evolution of A and B genomes of durum and soft wheat. On the ground of comparative analysis of seed germinating ability in hybrids of the first and second generation the author revealed two basic genes, the dominant alleles of which belong to T. durum, but the recessive genes — to T. aestivum. The assumption was made about availability of specific genes, related with varietal features of initial parents.


Wheat, variety, interspecies hybrids, field emerging of seeds, correlation, gene, genome, breeding line

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IDR: 142133313

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