Geography of distribution of malus varieties in Azerbaijan depending on soil

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More than 6,000 plant species have been identified in the Caucasus, of which 4,200 species (70%) are common in Azerbaijan. 11% are trees and shrubs, and 9% are endemic plants. There are more than 280 local varieties and forms of apple trees in Azerbaijan. After the 1920s, the area of fruit orchards in Azerbaijan was expanded to 21 thousand hectares due to local varieties, of which 13 thousand hectares (62%) were apple orchards. In 1926, the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Subtropical Plants was established in Azerbaijan with the aim of developing fruit growing. New varieties of apple trees are created through selection. Due to the newly created varieties through selection, apple orchards in Azerbaijan have significantly developed. In 1976, 13 thousand hectares of new industrial apple orchards were planted. Since 1982, the existing gene pool of apple trees has been studied.


Malus, soil, gene pool, breeding, varieties, azerbaijan

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14131589   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/108/37

Список литературы Geography of distribution of malus varieties in Azerbaijan depending on soil

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