Geological and mineralogical heritage of Komi region as a potential for the development of the North tourism

Автор: Ievlev A.A., Jdanova L.R., Astahova I.S.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Regionology of the Arctic and North: Management, Economy, Sozium, Culture

Статья в выпуске: 14, 2014 года.

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Analyzed the currently prevailing in the Republic of Komi saving system geological and mineral diversity in the framework of the specially protected natural areas (nature monuments) and museums of the geological and natural profiles. Geological heritage is a potential for the development of tourism in North regions.

Geological diversity, mineral diversity, geological heritage, the Komi Republic, tourism

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IDR: 148319865

Список литературы Geological and mineralogical heritage of Komi region as a potential for the development of the North tourism

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