Hymnography of the holy image of the savior not made by hands in Ancient Rus’ liturgical manuscripts of the studite era

Автор: Klochkova L.A.

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: Культура

Статья в выпуске: 6, 2024 года.

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The article considers the ordinance for August 16 in honor of the waftage of the Holy Mandylion of Edessa to Constantinople. An archeographical overview of the worship texts was compiled, drawing upon manuscripts dating from the dominance of the Studite Typikon: Old Russian Book of Sticheron from the XII to XIV centuries and Middle Bulgarian unnotated Menaia from the second half of the XIII to the beginning of the XIV century. The study engaged eleven manuscript sources from the Studite period, nine of which were notated with znamenny chant notation and two were unnotated. The fixed composition of the service and the repertoire of hymnographic texts are analyzed. With the help of source analysis, the changes in the composition of the ordinance were revealed. The paper examines and formulates the main trends of the fixed compositions of worship. Conclusions are drawn regarding the degree of veneration of the Mandylion relic: during the Studite period, the service to the Holy Sudaruim is not characterized by a high liturgical status and is typically combined with the afterfeast period of the Assumption of the Virgin or order of divine service in honor of the Martyr Diomedes or the venerable Joachim of Sarandapor. The stability of the service composition in manuscripts from the Studite era is identified. Emphasis is placed on the stability of the musical interpretation of the poetic texts of the ordinance.


Source studies, old russian notated manuscripts, znamenny chant notation, holy image of the savior not made by hands, book of sticheron, old russian art culture, manuscript books, medievistics

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149145553

IDR: 149145553   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2024.6.36

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