Voice, song, writing: narrativization of the body in the works of H'el`ene Cixous

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Statement of the problem. The question of body narrativization in the late 20th century texts is especially relevant for the authors associated with the term ‘écriture feminine’, traditionally translated as ‘women’s writing’. The works of the French writer and theorist Hélène Cixous are consistent with this concept not only because she coined the term, but because she uses a number of affects, including the Voice and the Song, to create a special, emphasized bodily-textual space traditionally associated with women’s writing. The purpose of the study is to determine how the process of body narrativization occurs in the works of Hélène Cixous. The research methods are descriptive, structural-semiotic and comparative analysis of the text. Research results. The categories of the Voice and the Song in Hélène Cixous’ works are closely linked to the author’s deliberate narrativization of the body. By interacting with the text, these categories release the potential expressive powers of women’s writing.


Women's writing, voice, song, narrativization on the body, psychoanalysis, maternal imago, 'white ink', deconstruction, gender studies, feminist literary criticism

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144162904

IDR: 144162904   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-7844-2024-1-103-111

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