State support for small business in the Republic of Buryatia

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The activity of small business entities in crisis time is essential for the state because it can solve a number of problems. Development of small business generates economic growth, which directly leads to the importance of this sector of the economy. In the normal course of their work small business entities are faced with various problems (like bureaucracy, imperfect tax policy, lack of funding, etc.). It is necessary to create conditions for the successful operation of small businesses. Creating favorable conditions for the development of small business provides regular income from independent economic activity to the population, and taxes - to local budgets. Therefore, the state support of small business can be considered as the mainstream in the development of particular areas. Currently, small businesses are being supported, but this support system is not effective enough. The article characterizes the reasons for the ineffectiveness of state support for small business development: inadequate funding and inefficient allocation of budgetary funds, tax policy, and bureaucracy. We also consider the target program of state support of small business in the Republic of Buryatia (goals, objectives, assessment of the effectiveness of implementation).


Small business, small business entity, entrepreneur, state support, subsidy, grant.

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142228337

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