State and legal problems of Russian regions modernization

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The task to build an effective state policy for domestic stability and territorial integrity is complicated by Russian vast territory, which has a complex ethno-confessional structure. Forming Russian national security policy in the context of globalization is firstly a conceptual challenge for scientific and political elite. This elite must be able to offer timeous values and national benchmarks to the community. Secondly, it is the State ability to fill adequately the public consciousness by national images and symbols. In modern times modernization of the Russian society is one of the most actual problems, as the world is changing very fast, and our state is retarded in production growth and economic development as well as civil society formation. It is necessary to reexamine the problem and provide complex modernization for successful regional modernization.


Centralization, regional inequality, modernization, federative relations, national unity, ethno-political threats, local government, federative districts

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IDR: 142232669

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