Government, business and the population in the Northern regions of Russia: problems and prospects of cooperation

Автор: Kondral Dmitry P., Morozov Nikolay A.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Economics of the Northern communities. Politology

Статья в выпуске: 20, 2015 года.

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Political strategy of the North and Arctic Russia determines the prospects of the interaction between government, business and the public, creating conditions for a long-term development of the northern territories of the country. Today, the quality of accounting and promoting the interests are extremely important and determine the need to assess and improve the mechanisms of articulation and aggregation of the interests of government, business and the population in the North of Russia.

North of Russia, government, business, civil society, political management, strategic development, the balance of interests

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IDR: 148318708

Список литературы Government, business and the population in the Northern regions of Russia: problems and prospects of cooperation

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