The Grodekovo fortified settlement in the Amur region

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The article analyzes the state of the Grodekovo fortified settlement according to the topographic survey. Particular attention is paid to the description of fortifications and the method of protecting the gate. The changes in the appearance and state of the settlement, which were tooking place both during its functioning (rebuilding), and the anthropogenic impact after it was abandoned, are described. The surface finds and the profile of the rampart show that there were two building horizon. Originally, the settlement in this place emerged in the Early Middle Ages (Mohe); subsequently it became populated by the Jurchens and later by the Duchers. It is suggested that the second building horizon is associated with the activity of the Manchus who used the Grodekovo fortified settlement (Aihun town) as a foothold for resisting the Russian colonization of the Priamurie in the late 17th century.


Grodekovo fortrified settlement, mohe, jurchen, manchus

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IDR: 145144896

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