Characteristics and features of professional and physical training of police officers

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Currently, each type of profession makes special demands on the physical and mental qualities of the employee, which also applies to public service. Any labor activity is based on the continuous reception and analysis of any information. The reception of this information is combined with the prevailing load on certain analyzers (visual, auditory, motor, etc.) and is associated with many mental processes (attention, memory, operational thinking, neuro - emotional stress, etc.). In law enforcement, the loads on the above analyzers are often enormous. In addition, the originality of the working movements that must be performed in the process of a specific professional activity determines its specific psychophysiological effects on the body. External conditions also influence the nature of professional activity. This article will consider the features and characteristics of the professional and physical training of police officers.


Physical training, applied physical training, ministry of internal affairs of Russia, pedagogy, psychology, sports

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