Phytoweight stocks characteristic of plant communities of humid Altay-Sayan mountain area highlands

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The results of research (2007-2010) of eight reference zones of vegetation (Kuznetsk Alatau, ridges Ivanovsky, Seminsky, Kryzhina, Oysky, Kulumys, Ergaki, Kurtushibinsky) located in a moun-tain belt of humid bioclimatic sector of Altai-Sayansk mountain area are presented in the study. The ac-counting of phytomass was carried out by the meth-od of hay crops from the platform of 0.25 m2 in five- and tenfold frequency. The analysis included the phytomass of 1350 registration platforms, including elevated (900) and underground (450). It was es-tablished that general stocks of the phytomass (GSP) of vegetation of highlands of humid sector of the area varied over a wide range: in various com-munities - 17332÷259 of g/m2, in formations - 17095÷453 and in the groups of formations - 13272÷742 of g/m2. The greatest indicators were typical of podzolic bushes, the smallest - to the grass tundra. In the structure of GSP of different types of communities’ participation elevated aver-aging varies within 53÷18 % of percentage, under-ground - 47÷83 %. Essential contribution to for-mation of lump was made by underground weight, including underground bodies of plants at the depth of 0-10 cm of the soil (90-97 %). The ratio of stocks of elevated and underground phytomass in different types of communities made 1:1÷1:5 that showed the capacity of underground circle in rela-tion to accumulation of general phytomass. Close dependence of stocks of GSP on elevated and un-derground weight, and also mutual conditionality of stocks of GSP on the mass of underground bodies of plants at the depth of 0-10 and 10-20 cm of the soil is shown and characterized (r = 0.77-0.99).


Plant communities, humus bioclimat-ic sector, altai-sayan mountain area, resources of high-level and low-level biomass

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IDR: 140224179

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