Characteristics of the noise situation within the urban environment (on Minusinsk example)

Автор: Kustov Aleksandr, Zakharova Olga

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Науки о земле

Статья в выпуске: 5 т.4, 2018 года.

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The article presents materials characterizing the noise situation of the urban environment, taking into account individual functional zones. The purpose of researches is assessment of a noise situation in residential and recreational zones of the city. A research object - a part city the environment within the central part of Minusinsk on the sites relating to various functional zones. Residential sites in the center of Minusinsk are presented by one-story and multistoried houses from two to five floors and the house adjoining areas. Sites of recreations - territories of parks where such species of plants as are prevailing: Populus nigra, Populus laurifolia, Betula, Malus baccata, Acer negundo. On all sites the tendency to uniform reduction of noise level with increase in frequency is observed. At the same time, in residential zones higher levels of noise pressure, than recreation zones are observed. Comparison of the received results with the established standards allows to estimate a condition of the urban environment. In general, a noise situation in side-altars of the central part of Minusinsk favorable, except for certain sites. An exception is the site number 3, relating to the residential development of the city, where the excess of the standard of the sound pressure level by 1.25 times at frequencies of 63 Hz and close to the standard at 250 Hz is recorded. Comparison of the received results with data of earlier conducted researches allows to assume that the main sources of influence in the period of “rush hour” are motor transport and electroinstallations of municipal services. Thus, these sources of noise can have negative effect on the general noise situation of the city in certain areas.


Urban environment, urban ecosystem, residential area, noise level, recreational zone

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IDR: 14112007   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1246163

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