Науки о земле. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

"Экстремальная архитектура" в обеспечении безопасности и защиты в проектировании
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У человека нет природной защиты от чрезвычайных ситуаций и опасных условий окружающей среды. В экстремальных условиях нарушается привычный режим труда и отдыха человека. В последнее время человек все чаще сталкивается с такими ситуациями, когда комфортные и безопасные условия существования граничат с экстремальными. В настоящее время более двух третей населения России проживают в условиях загрязнения атмосферы, не соответствующих гигиеническим нормативам; более 50 млн человек испытывают воздействие вредных веществ, превышающих предельно допустимые концентрации в 10 раз. Сегодня как никогда актуальны аспекты обеспечения безопасности и защиты, замещение, перепроектирование и перестройка унылой, мрачно-стандартизированной среды, обуславливающей пессимизм и депрессии. В результате этого архитектура также приобретает экстремальный оттенок. Для обеспечения устойчивого развития урбанизированных территорий с учетом экстремальных условий необходимо рациональное освоение новых экологических ниш жизненного пространства; переход от экстенсивного к интенсивному освоению территорий на основе реализации потенциальных возможностей модернизации; реконструкции городов; формирование новых типов энергоэффективных, экологических квартир и домов. Требуются специальные архитектурные мероприятия в обеспечении особых требований безопасности и приемлемого жизнеобеспечения, которые рассматриваются в данной статье.

Anthropogenic Impact on Nature in the Plains Along the Aras in the Nakhchivan
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The article examines he changes that have taken place in the Nakhchivan by characterizing the anthropogenic factors affecting the natural landscape structures. In recent years, the anthropogenic dynamics of natural landscapes have accelerated by rapid population growth and the expansion of private farms. Also, the concept of nature protection and its efficient use makes the concept of landscape development (evolution) even more relevant. Anthropogenic, especially technogenic impacts on nature are manifested in both positive and negative forms in the longitudinal zone covering 32.9% of the territory of the Autonomous Republic. According to the dynamics of anthropogenic landscapes in the area can be classified as weakly altered, disturbed or strongly altered, and special cultural landscapes. We have also explored cultural landscapes as follows: 1. For high productivity and economic income; 2. According to human health and the optimality of the ecological environment; The first group includes areas covering the main agricultural crops of the Autonomous Republic, and the second group includes green areas, parks, recreation areas, and infrastructure serving the health of the population, etc. that have been expanding in recent years. The article also discusses environmental problems in the field of anthropogenic complexes, reproductive modifications, and their solutions. In the end, the causes of anthropogenization, the problems encountered the analysis of them in accordance with the physical and geographical conditions, the ways to solve them on a scientific basis, a number of recommendations and suggestions were made.

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The study assessed the impact of the environmental situation on development of demographic process, and analyzed the dependence of birthrate, death rate, rate of natural population growth and infant mortality on the ecological situation for Mountain Shirvan economic and geographical region of Azerbaijan by using economic-mathematical modeling methods.

Assessment of the state of water and land resources in Azerbaijan
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The results of the study, which show that up to 96% of the irrigated land is watered mainly with traditional methods of irrigation (furrows and fillings) by surface methods, and the rest up to 5%, while in irrigated fields it is watered with the use of progressive water-saving low-intensity Irrigation systems. Therefore, in the fields, the level of groundwater grows every day.

Comparative analysis of the eroded soils on the slopes of the Calderon region, Ecuador
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The paper presents the comparative analysis of the eroded soils on slopes. The analysis is based on the materials of field investigations and soil erosion loss models. The developed and earlier approved mathematical soil erosion models proved not to be effective for the Equatorial Andes zone. The results, in relative measurements, may be taken into consideration only as the prerequisites for potential soil erosion loss and be primarily used to support the choice of a key-site for field investigations. The slope soils vulnerable to erosion were investigated. It is revealed that the soils are poor in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The comparative analysis of the soils on the steep slopes indicated insignificant change of their characteristics in accordance with the slope angle inclination.

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As in the Republic of Azerbaijan, appropriate measures are being taken in the Guba district in the field of environmental policy, environmental security, and efficient use of natural resources that meet the needs of society and require environmental protection in order to achieve sustainable socio-economic development. Therefore, the interaction of society with nature, the optimization of the impact of these relations, and the search for solutions are considered as one of the important issues. In this case, the main attention should be paid to the organization of the designing the industrial zones Phin the Guba district. Because the correct designing of industrial zones helps to organize work, protect the environment, and achieve sustainable socio-economic benefits. The article presented as a result of research in this area examines the volume of industrial products produced in the Guba district, the retail trade turnover of local production and export products, design of industrial zones, and environmental problems during production.

Diagnostic features of the soils of the Besitchay State Natural Reserve (Azerbaijan)
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In the presented article, the geographic position, relief, geological and geomorphological structure, climate, and soil-vegetation cover of the Basitchay State Reserve are given in detail, and some fertility indicators of the main soil types formed in the area are analyzed. The amounts of absorbed bases, active and exchangeable forms of nutrients (NPK) were determined along with humus, total nitrogen, pH, which are diagnostic indicators of soils.

Ecogeographical problems of air pollution in the big cities of Azerbaijan
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In connection with the development of urbanization, the protection of cities and the environment, issues of restoring the ecological balance become an urgent issue. The scale and intensity of product development in Azerbaijan enhance the anthropogenic impact on the nature of the regions. Such an effect is manifested in the pollution of soils with industrial, household waste, chemical fertilizers, the burning of hydrocarbons, the emission of harmful substances in the water and vehicles into the environment. Like in the whole world and in Azerbaijan, such negative processes are no exception. In this regard, the environmental problems of cities and urban agglomerations around the world are in the focus of attention of specialists and scientists. The presented article considers environmental and geographic problems that arose as a result of air emissions in 8 cities of Azerbaijan. The historical properties of studying atmospheric pollution in cities are analyzed, ecogeographic methods for studying atmospheric pollution of cities are identified, environmental pollutants of large cities and the ecogeographic properties of their influence are considered...

Features of distribution of oil and gas deposits in the earth's crust
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Hydrocarbon deposits within oil and gas-bearing territories are distributed very unevenly both in area and in the section of sedimentary deposits, which is the main geological feature of oil and gas placement in the subsurface. The formation of hydrocarbon accumulations in the sedimentary cover is due to a set of genetic factors, which ultimately determines the patterns of placement of oil and gas accumulations along the section and area of the sedimentary cover. The study of the factors determining the zonation of oil and gas accumulation and genetically her condition, zoning of oil and gas formation, contributes not only to expanding our knowledge on the fundamental problems of petroleum geology, but also improve the efficiency of exploration.

Front-end и back-end: различия и особенности разработки
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Данная статья посвящена современным инструментам веб-программирования. При разработке веб-приложений многие сталкиваются с такими понятиями как front-end и back-end. Эти два понятия появились вследствие развития принципа разделения ответственности у программистов. Хотя эти два понятия различны, но работать друг без друга не смогут. Они дополняют друг друга. Front-end разработка занимается внешним видом веб-приложения, с которым работает пользователь, а back-end разработка направлена на работу с пользовательской информацией, получаемой из front-end. В целом, обе стороны разработки важны и нужны, они должны работать вместе.

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Rational use of natural resources and preservation of environment in good conditions are the basis of stable state of the ecosystem. Mountain soil erosion is the most common process of degradation. Soil protection from erosion is becoming a global problem in the world, and in Uzbekistan, in particular. Natural conditions of the region create a potential danger of soil erosion. The reason for its manifestation is the misuse of land, non-compliance with necessary requirements for soil protection. In most cases, it is due to the location of homesteads and crops on erosion-prone soils that poorly protect soil from erosion, improper cultivation of soils on arable land, unregulated grazing of pastures, and damage to soil protective plantations.

Modern ecological situation of Shamkir water reservoir
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During the study, it was found that the water collected in the Shamkir reservoir was contaminated with Escherichia , Enterobacter , Salmonella and others belonging to the family of coli-enterobacteria. Infection with taxa of the genus is also evidenced by their spread along the stream in the basin. Comparing our results with the results obtained in previous years, it is clear that the number of coli enterobacteria in the Shamkir reservoir is constantly increasing.

Population density as a major factor causing soil degradation
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The historical causes of population settlement have been investigated, the impact of settlement and population density on land degradation in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has been studied in this article. At the same time, solutions of the problems of prevention of degradation have been explored. As Nakhchivan is one of the ancient cities of the world, the history of human impact on the environment is very old. During the historical period, as a result of human activity, lands have been degraded and modernized. Results of research, using statistics and through ArcGis software, location of settlements on altitude zones population settlement by regions, density, settlement maps and tables have been compiled for the altitude zones. It was determined that, the population is more densely populated in plains, foothills, river valleys with fertile soils close to water. As a result of intensive use, soil fertility has decreased, salinization and erosion processes have led to soil degradation. The results of our scientific research are reflected in maps and tables.

Radioecological assessment of uranium tails deposits (Sumsar, Shekaftar, Terek-Sai)
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The article presents the results of radio ecological studies of the territories of uranium tailings in Kyrgyzstan (Sumsar, Shekaftar and Terek-Sai), as well as their current state and assessment of the radioactive contamination’s potential risks. The ore field of this region is characterized as an extremely complex structure and covers about 30 ore occurrences of lead and rare metals. Starting from the Precambrian period both applicative and disjunctive disturbances within its boundaries have been widely developing and being manifested many times throughout the history of geological development. Oxidized and sulfide ores have been developed within the deposit. Unfortunately, serious miscalculations were made. As result of natural disasters; such as earthquakes, landslides, mudflows, etc., several uranium tailing dumbs have been damaged. Day by day, the risk of destruction and the threat of radioactive contamination of the Kyrgyz Republic territory are increasing. There are eight tailing dumps on the territory of Shekaftar uranium natural-technogenic province, the total volume of which is 1194 thousand m3 of radioactive waste. There are 15 mountain dumps of substandard ore with an ore volume of 4585.6 thousand m3 hour, in local areas it exceeds 500 μR/h.

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On the plots under sowing of field crops traits for which you can define the degree of soil erosion are projective cover and height plants. Enthusiastically steepness of slopes the ability to use crops as indicators of soil erosion reduces soil erosion degree of natural grassland can be estimated based on existing dependencies between the grass plants and extent of soil erosion. Strong enough erosion degree soils of sloping meadows can be recognized for environmental regimes of vegetation habitats.

Solar Energy Resources of Nakhchivan
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The presented article examines the issues of energy security of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, which is an integral part of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the use of renewable energy in its provision. For this purpose, the solar energy resources of the Autonomous Republic were studied. The study used theoretical, computational, observational and comparative analysis methods to estimate solar energy as a renewable energy resource. The main source for assessing the potential of solar energy of the Autonomous Republic — experimental and observation materials of the USSR Hydrometeorological Committee on the Republic of Azerbaijan and NAR for 1960–1980, the results of researches of the Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences for 1936–1950, Nakhchivan AR experimental-observation materials of the Hydrometeorological Center for 1995–2015, static indicators of Nakhchivan Solar Power Plant for 2016–2017, as well as the results of theoretical and computational research were used. As a result of the study, it was determined that the annual value of total radiation (Q) in the horizontal area was 7541 and 6204 MC/m2, respectively, in the clear and medium cloudy sky. At the same time, the average annual transparency coefficient was 0.8229, 0.811 in winter and 0.897 in summer. The annual value of total radiation (Q) of the horizontal field in the territory of the NAR is higher than in other regions of the country, and the coefficient of transparency of the atmosphere is higher than in other regions, too. At the same time, the duration of solar radiation in the NAR is high and is 2792 hours. Formulas have been proposed to calculate the value of solar radiation falling on a horizontal surface on the basis of many years of experimental and observational materials. Using these calculation formulas, it is possible to calculate the total solar radiation on the horizontal surface for any area of the NAR.

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Complex natural-geographic and agroclimatic conditions regions of Azerbaijan, long and anthropogenic effects on the natural objects have led to the emergence and widespread erosion. currently, 43.3% of the land Republic affected by erosion. In the Republic developed all kinds of erosion, particularly irrigation water and wind. At the present stage of development of agriculture, widely implemented land reform. Ubiquitous privatized land, where at this point erosion control is a precondition for improving soil fertility, crop yields, requiring reference to global studies improve their fertility.

Sustainable use of the buffer zone of El Angel ecological reserve, Ecuador
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The specifics of management of El Angel Ecological Reserve buffer zone in the Equatorial Andes have been investigated. The main aspects of the environmental impact have been identified. The authors give the recommendations on the sustainable use of the territory to insure employment and lessen the negative impact on the ecosystems such as reducing the use of agricultural chemicals, pasture field planning in accordance with natural environment, firefighting management, control over disboscation and hunting, natural systems monitoring. The creation of a Tourist Center would provide an opportunity to spur economic growth of the region, control and prevent the negative anthropogenic influence.

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The investigation is focused on the conditional characteristics of the soil on the erosion-threatened sloping lands devoted to agriculture. The studied territory is situated in the Equatorial Andes. The analyzed samples were taken from the key-sites located on the slopes with inclination angle of 10°. The comparative analysis was carried out within the borders of a key-site divided into 4 sectors with different agricultural crops: corn, oats, beans and a permanent grass pasture. It is defined that the agricultural fields used for corn cultivation are the most vulnerable to erosion. The organic matter content in the plow layer is decreasing up to 0,53%. The process of erosion is the leading degradation factor. Observations have shown that such erosion forms as gullies are being formed. It is recommended to reduce corn cultivation in steeply inclined areas unless erosion control measures are taken.

The colluvial deposits in the gullies of the northern part of the Quito region, Ecuador
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This study reveals the analysis of the colluvial deposits in the gullies in the Equatorial Andes. The key site is located in the norther Quito suburb. A diversity of widespread colluvial deposits is a specific characteristic of the territory. The analysis showed the coincidence of the soil texture of the gullies and colluvial deposits. The authors came to the conclusion that the studied deposits are lately formed. For being a result of gully sloughing that occurred within the dry season, the deposits are insignificantly converted. The impact of additional factors is considered to be minimal.