The features of the vocal systems of South Siberian Turkic languages on the parameters of the objective complexity

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The problem of language complexity, which has become topical in modern linguistics at the beginning of the XXI century, is developed in this article based on the material of phonicophonological systems of South Siberian Turkic languages. The aim of the study was to identify the absolute objective complexity of the vocal systems in the Turkic idioms in their present synchronous situation. The materials on Altai, Telengit, Bachat-Teleut, Kumandy, Chalkan, Tuba, Khakas, Shor, Baraba-Tatar, Chulym-Turkic, Tuvan and Tofa languages were used in the article. Comparative analysis of vocal systems implemented by the method of quantitative counting of units of the phonemes inventories, taking into account the relevant features, organizing systems, has allowed us to build a hierarchy of paradigmatic complexity. Were identified three groups of South Siberian Turkic idioms. The first group includes languages and dialects, in which the vocal inventories include only phonemes-monophthonges (14 to 17 phonemes). The second group is represented by languages and dialects, in which vocal inventories include both monophthongs and diphthongs (19 to 23 units). The third group includes idioms with vocalism, is only represented by phonemes- monophthonges, - «clean», pharyngealized and nasalized (from 24 to 32 units). In the first group are the idioms of the Altai (except of Tuba-Turochak and Telengit-Ulagan sub-dialects), Khakas and Shor languages; in the second - Tuba-Turochak, Telengit-Ulagan sub-dialects and Baraba-Tatar language; the third group includes languages of the Baikal-Sayan ethnoareal - Tuvan and Tofa. Languages of the second group (Tuba-Turochak, Baraba-Tatar and Telengit-Ulagan) occupy an intermediate position between the languages with the lowest degree of language complexity (most of the idioms of the Altai, Khakas and Shor), on the one hand, and languages with a maximum degree of language complexity - Tuvan and Tofa. Tuvan and Tofa vocal systems which are structured not only by the opposition on quantitative parameters, but also includes units marked with characteristics of pharyngealization and nasalization, and has the largest number of phonemes, are characterized by maximum for the Turkic languages of South Siberia degree of paradigmatic complexity. The origins of higher degree of linguistic complexity of the Tuba language of compared to most other idioms of the Altai should be sought in the ethnogenesis of Tuba, whose ancestors were together with Tuvinians, and Karagas (Tofs) of a large tribal Union of Tuba and learned the language, close to ancient Oguz and ancient Uygur. On the relationship of the ancestors of the Telengit-Ulagan and Tuvan indicate Ulagan toponyms, the origin of which Telengits themselves associated with habitation on this territory of Tuvan. The distribution of the South Siberian Turkic languages into groups, characterized by different degree of paradigmatic complexity in accordance with a quantitative evaluation of the elements of the systems is determined by the specifics of structural-taxonomical organization of the vocal systems, algorithms of realization of relationships and interactions of their units.


Turkic languages of the southern siberia, phonology, vocal systems, the degree of linguistic complexity

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IDR: 147219736

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