Development characteristics universal learning actions junior schoolchildren

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The published work continues a series of studies devoted to studying the influence of educational programs in primary grades, implemented within the framework of the “School of Russia” and “School 2100” projects on the intellectual development of schoolchildren. This study is aimed at studying the relationship between universal educational activities of 4th grade students and the content of the noted programs. 117 fourth-graders took part in the study: 58 people studied within the framework of the “School of Russia” project, 59 people studied within the framework of the “School 2100” project. To diagnose the degree of mastery of the noted universal educational actions, tasks were used that included plot-logical tasks. The results of the study indicate that schoolchildren who studied under the “School 2100” project mastered universal educational actions related to making inferences and methods of achieving results when solving search problems at a higher level than schoolchildren who studied under the “School 2100” project. School of Russia”, and universal educational activities related to the implementation of reflection and the construction of plans for solving problems are mastered at the same level. The noted results create conditions for a more specific study of the relationship between the content of education in the “School 2100” and “School of Russia” projects with students’ mastery of universal educational activities.


4th grade students, universal learning activities, cognitive reflection, methods of achieving results when solving search problems, constructing plans for solving problems

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203819   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-83-89

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