The characteristic attributes of the graves of Early Neolith of Transbaikalia

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The generalization of the separated data saved up to the present moment and data on funeral complexes of Transbaikalia and Northeast Mongolia, their formalized analysis and presence of series of radiocarbon dating (8000-6000 RCYBR) of burial grounds and separate burials define offered correlation constructions. To the characteristic attributes of the graves of an Early Neolith of Transbaikalia the collective graves, including the antithesis graves, the graves of the skeletons without the skulls are carried. The instability of orientation of skeletons (by a head on the North, the East, the Southeast, the Northeast) is marked. The any constructions above and inside of the graves are absent. It is obligatory the presence of ochre. The analysis of the funeral complexes of this single-crop territory allows drawing the conclusion that Neolithic traditions of the funeral rite are steady and continuing the existence during later time.


Transbaikalia, baikal region, funeral ritual act, radiocarbon dating, early neolith, artifact's complex

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IDR: 14737100

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