Harmonization of labour and material resources in dairy cattle breeding of the Orel region

Автор: Loskutova O.V., Naumov A.I., Zlobin E.F.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Статья в выпуске: 6 (51), 2014 года.

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Full independence from milk import deliveries is one of the main problems for food supply security of Russia in difficult international conditions of the country. This problem solution deserves special attention both on the federal and the regional levels. The Orel region is an agrarian sector of the country; therefore it’s very important to provide its inhabitants with dairy products on a full scale as well as to supply milk to other regions of the Russian Federation. The article demonstrates the dynamics of the dairy cattle breeding development in Russia and in the Orel region, which is characterized by reduction of cattle number at a time when animal productivity increases. Through the analysis of the use of financial and labour resources it was revealed that in conditions of market functioning agricultural producers must introduce labour- and resourse-saving technologies into milk production, modern methods of cattle management, as well as achievements of veterinary and zootechnical science, that leads in its turn to the growth of labour productivity, capital productivity ratio and in whole increase of dairy cattle breeding products production efficiency. Application of advanced technologies in cattle breeding is possible only with the engagement of highly-qualified personnel that in its turn is an important condition for realization of Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation. Through the conducted analysis of the use of labour and material resources in dairy cattle breeding of the Orel region it was revealed that growth of labour productivity and capital productivity ratio in the region is also connected with the increased number of veterinarians and zootechnicians who graduated from the Orel State Agrarian University and work in different agricultural organizations now.


Orel region, dairy cattle breeding, milk, labour productivity, expenditures, resources

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147124203

IDR: 147124203

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