Harmony between economy and environment

Автор: Vukićević Petković Milica, Šmigić Miladinović Jasmina

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.15, 2020 года.

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Since the environment surpasses all the frames created by men, the basic aim of this paper is to point to how important the quality of the environment is, as well as to discuss whether the two, protection of the environment and economy endorsement, can function together. The economy which does not respect natural resources in an adequate way is irrational. That is why the importance of social awareness of the environment's sacrificing for the purpose of economic progress is underlined. It is not always sufficient to abandon everything to various interests, and thus secure the most favourable economic status, but it is also necessary to refocus people's economic functioning to the promotion of the environment. This paper analyses economy's essential functions - production, distribution, exchange, and consumption which, on the one hand, have an impact on the exploitation of natural resources, and on the other bring about waste generation. Only a correct treatment of waste may produce multiple benefits.


Environment protection, economic activities, green occupations, legal regulations

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204073

IDR: 170204073   |   DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig2002145V

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