Chemical composition of water extracts of Picea abovata and the development of the recipe of non alcoholic drink on its basis

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Coniferous water extracts are widely used in cosmetic in-dustry, traditional medicine for the treatment of stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, avitaminosis, stomatologic diseases and nervous system. They possess wound healing, antiburn anti-inflammatory, antiviral, adaptogenic, detoxifying, hepatopro-tective, biostimulating, restorative, sedative, cosmetic impact on human body, stimulate blood formation, immune system and regeneration processes, enrich an organism with useful micro and macrocells, bring radionuclides out of an organism. However, the use of water coniferous extracts in food industry has limited character. The composition of water extracts of coniferous species of Siberia has been insufficiently studied so far. In this regard studying of chemical composition of wa-ter coniferous extract of Siberian spruce and the development of the compounding of soft drink on its basis were the re-search objective. The research was conducted by the tech-niques accepted in biochemistry of plants. For receiving water extracts wood greens of a fir-tree were selected during winter period, when the maintenance of components stable in Man-sky area of Krasnoyarsk Region. Model trees were selected in natural forest stands. Wood greens were selected from each third of crown separately, and then averaged by quartation method. For selection of average sample general test of wood greens was mixed, weighed then crushed, extracted water at hydromodule 1:10 in Soxhlet apparatus before exhaustive extraction. Organoleptic assessment and physical and chemi-cal indicators of soft drink were defined according to State Standard 32105-2013. The results of research showed that in the composition of water coniferous extract of Siberian spruce significant amount of sugars (30.84 %), organic acids (18.76 %), ascorbic acid (220 mg of %), mineral substances (5.60 %) were present. Individual structure of monosaccharides was established. Among them galactose (11.04 %), glucose (6.85 %) prevailed. The compounding of soft drink with appli-cation of coniferous water extract as ingredient was devel- oped. The dosage of spruce pine extract providing the best organoleptic and physicochemical indices of a nonalcoholic beverage extract has been selected.


Water coniferous extract, chemical composi-tion, quality indicators, drink

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IDR: 140224382

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