Геополитика Юго-Восточной Азии. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология

Brotherly support: economic aid to Vietnam during the American war (1954-1975)
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During the wars to gain independence, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) had a wide range of support from socialist countries. Due to the global conflict of the Cold War, the assistance from the socialist bloc not only came from the special relationship between Vietnam and this camp but also reflected complex international relations. This paper draws on documents tapped from collections of the Prime Minister's Office which contains important memorandums exchanged between the Prime Minister's office, the Vice Prime Minister, and the Foreign Trade Ministry. Based on these documents and Vietnam’s position at the centre of the confrontation between the East and the West, this article shows the tremendous economic aid that was received for the national salvation of the Vietnamese people from the Soviet Union and China during the anti-American resistance war. The article also reveals cracks within the communist camp, even though these socialist countries were seen as a solidary bloc and had a shared ideology. In the context of the Cold War with the East-West confrontation, and the fractured relations between countries in the communist bloc, the DRV always received support from both the Soviet Union and China. Perhaps it was rare for two rival countries to jointly provide aid to a third country, like the relationship between Vietnam-China-the Soviet Union during this period.

China-US strategic competition in the Lower Mekong region and Vietnam’s position
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Recently, both China and the United States of America (US) have started focusing more on settling influence in the Lower Mekong region in the general context of global China-US competition. Although they have different connecting approaches, both superpowers focus on establishing and maintaining their influence in the strategic geo-political area in Southeast Asia and Asia. Their activities in the Lower Mekong region are more noticeable since the 2010s when Xi Jinping came to power in China and the US conducted the “Pivot to Asia” and “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” policies. Their competition therefore raises difficult tasks for Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (CLMTV) to keep neutrality, and protect their national sovereignty and the regional sustainable development. As the China-US competition in the Lower Mekong region is remarkable and profoundly influential to the development of regional countries, both academic scholars and policy makers pay attention to this subject. This paper focuses on evaluating the recent competition between China and the US in CLMTV and Vietnam’s adaptations to maintain its sovereignty, security and neutrality in the great-power competition, especially since Vietnam established a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with both China (2008) and the US (2023).