Choreographic pedagogy as a means of development of cultural and educational competence of a future choreography teacher

Автор: Dolgopolova Ludmila

Журнал: Грани познания @grani-vspu

Рубрика: Педагогические науки и психология

Статья в выпуске: 4 (57), 2018 года.

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The article deals with the basic aspects of choreographic pedagogy in the formation of cultural and educational competence of a future choreography teacher, considers the components of the organization of student training for vocational teaching activities. It describes the main goals, objectives and directions of the choreographic pedagogy in the development of cultural and educational competence of a future choreography teacher in the pedagogical, psychological, philosophicalcultural and art aspects.

Cultural and educational competence, choreographic pedagogy, training of choreography teachers, aesthetic consciousness, cultural and educational content

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IDR: 148310954

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