The economic and technological basis of obtaining high harvests of grain cornin the Orel region

Автор: Lysenko N.N., Matveichuk P.N., Matveichuk P.V.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (67), 2017 года.

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In LLC "Dubovitskoye" of the Orel region, grain corn is placed after the well fertilized and cleared from weeds, winter wheat. The comparative evaluation of varieties and hybrids in conditions of local climate and own technology is done systematically. To determine the need for phosphorus and potassium on the planned harvest balance method is used, using data of agrochemical field survey, conducted over three years. All potash and phosphate fertilizers and nitrogen part included in the compound fertilizers are implemented in autumn for basic soil preparation using spreader "Amazone" with navigation devices. Pre-sowing tillage is carried out with aggregates of the type "Compactor" immediately before sowing at seeding down depth (5-6 cm). The sowing time is chiefly early: average daily temperature of the soil at the depth of 5 sm - 10°С. The sowing is carried out at the speed of aggregate movement - 5-6 km/h with seeding machines "Maestro" and "JV Dorada" of firm "Gaspardo". Inter-row cultivation is done in the phase of 3-4 leaves for the depth of 7-8 sm. To protect crops from weed plants herbicides of domestic production are used. Effective measure of pest control is systemic seed treatment insecticide. For disease protection before sowing, seeds are treated with fungicides. Harvesting is done by combines with 8-row corn "Gerengof" device when grain humidity is below 35% with subsequent drying up to 14%. The average yield of corn on grain in LLC "Dubovitskoye" is 90-100 centners per hectare, the profitability of cultivation is of 85-95%.


Corn, system of agrotechnical measures, system of integrated plant protection

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