Literary devices of creating visuality in Nicholas Roerich’s short story the icon Terem
Автор: Spesivtseva O.B.
Журнал: Сибирский филологический форум @sibfil
Рубрика: Современное литературоведение: идеология и поэтика
Статья в выпуске: 4 (29), 2024 года.
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Statement of the problem. The article examines the visual aspects of the literary work of Russian artist Nicholas Roerich, a prominent representative of the Silver Age culture. The purpose of the article is to analyze literary devices of creating visuality in Nicholas Roerich’s short story The Icon Terem. Review of scientific literature on the problem. A review is made of both general works on the problems of visuality and the history of visual turn (by philosophers, art historians, cultural historians) and philological ones. The difference between the concepts of ‘visuality’, ‘visual code’, ‘visualization’, which many philological researchers understand in different ways, is clarified. Methodology (materials and methods). The material for analysis is the short story The Icon Terem written by Nicholas Roerich. The basic methodology includes the works of S.P. Lavlinsky, as well as materials from special seminars on visuality in literature edited by V.Ya. Malkina and S.P. Lavlinsky. Research results. The author of the article analyzes the short story The Icon Terem, written by young Nicholas Roerich after completing his thesis on the legal status of painters in Muscovite Rus. Roerich created vivid literary images of Russian icon painters and Muscovite Rus during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich using the archaic language of ancient charters and historical material.
Nicholas roerich, the icon terem, visuality, visualization, arts interaction, literature and fine art, icon painter
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 144163257 | DOI: 10.24412/2587-7844-2024-4-64-76