Human Balance and Stability Behavior Analysis Using Spatial and Temporal Stabilometric Parameters

Автор: Dhouha Maatar, Régis Fournier, Amine Naitali, Zied Lachiri

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 6 vol.5, 2013 года.

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Certain aspects of balance control can be affected by some entries as vision, proprioception, direction, age, Gender, height and weight. The knowledge of the effects of these factors on postural equilibrium allows differentiating pathological and physiological postural aspects. The aim of this study is to define the effects of these entries on postural control by analyzing the parameters: mean velocity of CoP (center of pressure), RMS (root mean square) CoP of displacement, Range of COP, CEA (confidence ellipse area). We examined healthy subjects between 19-42 years of age during the quiet stance under static conditions: keeping foot outspread and opened eyes (PE_YO), tighten foot and opened eyes (PS_YO), outspread foot and closed eyes (PE_YF), tightened foot and closed eyes (PS_YF). Experimental results through all studied parameters permit to conclude that the lack of vision and the situation with tighten foot cause a degradation of balance maintaining. They indicate also that it is easier to maintain equilibrium on the anteroposterior direction than mediolateral direction. Results show also a less well-controlled posture for male related to female. Results display also that the postural parameters studied failed to find significant effect of the height, weight and age on the postural stability.


Mean CoP displacement, Stabilogram, Stability behavior, Spatial and temporal parameters

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IDR: 15012870

Список литературы Human Balance and Stability Behavior Analysis Using Spatial and Temporal Stabilometric Parameters

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