Hybrid approach for facial expression recognition using HJDLBP and LBP histogram in video sequences

Автор: Mahesh U. Nagaral, T. Hanumantha Reddy

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.10, 2018 года.

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Any kind of compassionate thoughts can't be expressed through words, but it appears on their facial expression. So, the facial expression reveals the emotions of individuals. The recognition of such emotions can be understood correctly or sometimes ambiguously from the opponent. Hence, there is a scope for automatic facial expression recognition (FER) in the context of image processing. The FER system has three different phases: face detection, feature extraction and expression classifi-cation. In face detection phase, Viola Jones face detector is used to crop the original image such that only the face region is retained by removing the unwanted region. In feature extraction stage, High-order Joint Derivative Lo-cal Binary Pattern (HJDLBP) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) histogram algorithms are used for extracting fea-tures from the cropped image. In last stage, Support Vec-tor machine (SVM) classifier is used in finding the precise facial expression.CK+ dataset has been used for training and testing, which consist of 442 image samples. We have considered six different universal possible ex-pressions such as, happy, anger, disgust, fear, surprised, and sad for identification. The experimental results indi-cate that the overall accuracy of the proposed system was 74.8%, which is high compare to the results available in literature.


Facial expression, Viola-Jones, LBP his-togram, High order joint DLBP, Support Vector Machine

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15015934

IDR: 15015934   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2018.02.01

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