«And they did not praise god»: transformation of the biblical psalms in the collection of poems «The no-one's-rose» by P. Celan

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The article analyzes six poems by Paul Celan from the collection of poems «The No-One's-Rose», which distinctly show transformation of the psalm genre. In his poems Celan transforms both the content and the form. These poems were written in the post-war period, which also influenced their themes and the poet's attitude to religion. Celan gives God a new name, different from the biblical one, and uses such a stylistic device as allusion. On the one hand, a new understanding of the genre, which is opposite to the traditional, is presented. On the other hand, Celan uses the literary devices that make his poems close to the psalms. In the article the parallel between the images from the psalms and from Celan's poems is drawn.


Biblical psalms, transformation of the genre, religious poetry, praetext, allusion

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14729339

IDR: 14729339

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