Naming of persona in N. Turoverov’s lyrics

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N. Turoverov's idiostyle embodies the peculiarities of the Don Cossacks’ mindset. The persona's world perception in his poems most of all coincides with the author's view of life. Turoverov does not accept the denomination of a farewell to Russia as emigration, putting across negative connotations in this lexeme. The creative individuality of the Cossack poet, the warrior poet determined the naming of his character: wanderer, pilgrim, Cossack, poet, singer. Turoverov's persona found his true path as a pilgrim returning to his native villages, and this path is poetic. This approach also determined the peculiarities of the motive of a farewell to Russia as a farewell with eternal hope of return. The naming of N. Turoverov’s persona was formed under the influence of the classical tradition, Cossack and emigrant contexts. These artistic vectors determined the interaction and opposition of various semantic units denoting the name of the persona.


N. turoverov, the first wave of emigration, cossacks, orthodoxy, distich, classical tradition, cossack poet, warrior poet, persona, idiostyle, concept

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IDR: 148330194   |   DOI: 10.18101/2686-7095-2024-3-74-82

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