Impact of inflation on economic growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Автор: Spasojević B., Đukić A.
Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali
Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.19, 2024 года.
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The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of inflation on economic growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) from 2017 to 2023. Utilizing data on annual inflation rates and GDP figures, the study employs a correlational-regression analysis conducted with IBM SPSS software to examine the relationship between inflation and GDP growth. The results in-dicate a significant fluctuation in inflation rates, particularly with a dramatic spike in 2022, and a consistent upward trend in GDP growth, except for a minor decline in 2020 attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. The regression analysis suggests that while high inflation in 2022 coincided with substantial GDP growth, the overall impact of inflation on economic growth appears com-plex and multifaceted, influenced by other underlying economic factors. The conclusion drawn from this study is that inflation in BiH has a nuanced rela-tionship with economic growth, necessitating a balanced approach in mone-tary and fiscal policies to sustain economic stability and growth.
Inflation, Economic Growth, Bosnia and Herzegovina, GDP
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170206237 | DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig2402001S
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