Implementation of a High Speed Technique for Character Segmentation of License Plate Based on Thresholding Algorithm

Автор: Bahram Rashidi, Bahman Rashidi

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 12 vol.4, 2012 года.

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This paper presents, complete step by step description design and implementation of a high speed technique for character segmentation of license plate based on thresholding algorithm. Because of vertical edges in the plate, fast Sobel edge detection has been used for extracting location of license plate, after stage edge detection the image is segmented by thresholding algorithm and the color of characters is changed to white and the color of background is black. Then, boundary’s pixels of license plate are scanned and their color is changed to black pixels. Afterward the image is scanned vertically and if the number of black pixels in a column is equal to the width of plate or a little few, then the pixels of that column is changed to white pixel, until create white columns between characters, in continue we change pixels around license plate to white pixels. Finally characters are segmented cleanly. We test proposed character segmentation algorithm for stage recognition of number by code that we design. Results of experimentation on different images demonstrate ability of proposed algorithm. The accuracy of proposed character segmentation is 99% and average time of character segmentation is 15ms with thresholding algorithm code and 0.7ms only segmentation character code that is very small in comparison with other algorithms.


Character Segmentation, Sobel Edge Detection, Thresholding Algorithm, License Plate

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 15012505

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