Imported ceramics from the excavations in the Grand Kremlin Public Garden in 2019-2021

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During the excavations conducted by the Institute of Archaeology, RAS, in the Grand Kremlin Public Garden in 2019-2021 an assemblage of imported ceramics was collected. It is now the largest collection in all the years of archaeological research in the Moscow Kremlin. The ware of the pre-Mongol invasion period included only fragments of Byzantine amphorae (from Trabzon and Chalcis). Semifaience (predominantly, cups) made in the capital cities of the Golden Horde in the Lower Volga accounted for a greater share of ceramics from the 13th-15th centuries. The ceramics are represented by several groups differentiated by decoration and color of the glaze. Non-glazed ware with impressed decoration was also brought from the Golden Horde. Small series included semifaience from Turkey and Iran of the 16th-17th centuries as well as celadons and porcelain from China of the 14th-17th centuries. Imports from Western Europe (Germany) were very rare.


Import, ceramics, semifaience, semimajolica, celadons, byzantine empire, golden horde, turkey, iran, china

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143182912   |   DOI: 10.25681/IARAS.0130-2620.274.314-329

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