Improving Quality of Perception (QoP), Quality of Experience (QoE), and Quality of Service (QoS) in agile development using Cleanroom Software Engineering (CSE)
Автор: Sana e Zainab, Munazza Jannisar, Ali Javed
Журнал: International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS) @ijmecs
Статья в выпуске: 10 vol.6, 2014 года.
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Pioneering ideas from the software engineering discipline have factually affected every sphere of life. Agile software development approach has been promoted since its commencement and stipulates strategies that improve the quality of software product. To consummate fast and reliable development processes, several agile approaches are charted and are quite popular. For quality improvement and to achieve defect free system, the concept of Cleanroom Software Engineering (CSE) is ingrained into agile development life cycle. For embedding users concerns, it is important to distinguish three approaches to quality: Quality of Service (QoS), User-perceived QoP, and Quality of Experience (QoE). QoS is technology centered approach, so by using Incremental Planning of CSE, it shall facilitate the customer's clarification of system requirements and will control the technical complexity. Usage Specification and Usage Modelling will be used during the Certification phase of CSE which will help to achieve QoP and QoE, being user centered approaches. Results collected from Survey conducted, explains above mentioned factors improvement.
(QoS) Quality of Service, (QoP) Quality of Perception, (QoE) Quality of Experience, (CSE) Cleanroom Software Engineering, (SDLC) Software Development life Cycle
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IDR: 15014697
Список литературы Improving Quality of Perception (QoP), Quality of Experience (QoE), and Quality of Service (QoS) in agile development using Cleanroom Software Engineering (CSE)
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