Improving the security of wireless communication channels for unmanned aerial vehicles by creating false information fields
Автор: Basan E.S., Proshkin N.A., Silin O.I.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering
Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.23, 2022 года.
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To date, the problems associated with the safety of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are quite acute. As a rule, when it comes to commercial small-sized UAVs, wireless communication channels are used to con-trol them. Most often, communication is implemented at a frequency of 2.4 GHz using the Wi-Fi protocol. Such a UAV is quite easy to detect by analyzing the radio frequency range or the data link layer. An attack-er, however, may not even have specialized equipment and use open source software. The detected UAV becomes the target for attacks. If it is known that the UAV operates as a wireless access point, then all Wi-Fi-specific attacks become relevant for the UAV. In this study, it is proposed to use the technology of creat-ing false information fields as the first line of defense to increase the resistance of the UAV to attacks. This technology will allow to hide a legitimate UAV communication channel behind a lot of fake ones. The goal is to create fake access points with the characteristics of real ones and emulate data transmission over the channels on which these access points are deployed. In addition to the fact that the technology allows to hide a legitimate UAV communication channel, it will also allow to mislead the attacker. It is important to make the intruder think that not a single UAV is approaching him, but a group. If the intruder attempts to attack decoys, attacker will compromise himself and be able to be detected. Thus, you can use the UAV as a bait. As a result of the pilot study, channels were identified on which the creation of fake access points is most effective. Using small computing power and the necessary antenna, you can achieve high results. This article demonstrates the effectiveness of creating 9 fake access points. A comparison was also made with real wireless network traffic. We can say that the emulated activity is quite close to the real activity.
Wireless communication channels, access point, radio intelligence, security, vulnerabilities
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IDR: 148329659 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2022-23-4-657-670
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